Tuesday 4 April 2017

Healthvit Fitness Mass Gainer Xtra Chocolate Flavour 1kg / 2.2 lbs RS.850 (43.00% Off) - Amazon

Healthvit Fitness Mass Gainer Xtra Chocolate Flavour 1kg / 2.2 lbs RS.850 (43.00% Off) - Amazon


  • Healthvit mass gainer extra is more protein, better quality calories, bigger results
  • Healthvit mass gainer extra supplies 57. 6g proteins and 170. 6g complex carbs in 1: 3 ratio in a day to fuel rigorous workouts
  • This specially formulated mass gainer extra has fibre and complex carbs in each serving
  • Fortified with vitamins and minerals blend Healthvit mass gainer extra optimizes energy and relieves muscle fatigue for heavy-duty workouts

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