- Most Advanced Supplement: Sinew Nutrition Garcinia Cambogia capsules are all natural, 100% Veg & perfect for weight management. HCA (hydroxycitric acid) is the active ingredient, blocks the conversion of indigested carbohydrates to fat in the body, Weight loss is not noticeable during the first 2 weeks of usage, The Fat loss is counterbalanced initially by gains in weight from tissue hydration & from more glycogen in the liver & muscles. Recommend to buy at least a month supply initially
- Most Effective and Economical: Daily Dosage of 2700 mg of HCA/Day and Rs. 16.02 HCA/Gm (see the Comparison sheet in images), Do not exceed the recommended dosage
- Antioxidant & Appetite Suppressant:Sinew Nutrition Garcinia Cambogia Extract isn't a diet pill, It's premium detox and cleanse Garcinia Cambogia extract contains potent antioxidants which protect the body from harmful toxins from the environment and help keep cells working optimally, Rapid dissolving 100% Veg Sinew Nutrition Garcinia Cambogia extract capsules help the active ingredients metabolize in the body so very little Garcinia Cambogia "is wasted" and passed through your system
- How to use for best results: Take the capsules on an empty stomach, 45 minutes before each meal, thrice a day, Taking the the right dose at the right time, is key to losing weight, do not expects great result, if u do not Comply, The product can reduce the intake of fat by 7% -10% , but to see greater results, an active life has to be maintained for maximum gains, Minimum 40 / 45 mins of walk every 2nd day, will greatly amplify the weight management goals
- We unlike some other supplier, do not make false claims of the highly non commercially unviable 95% purity / concentration of the active ingredients . Our measure of the capsule is of the active ingredient , without the weight of the veg capsule & each lots purityis duly verified by latest technology of liquid chromatography, The necessary certificates of purity of HCA & veg capsules etc, can be requested to all consumers
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