Saturday 20 October 2018

Lemor Green Tea With Jasmine (5 Pack Of 25 Tea Bag Box) RS.445 (43.00% Off) - Amazon

Lemor Green Tea With Jasmine (5 Pack Of 25 Tea Bag Box) RS.445 (43.00% Off) - Amazon


  • Green Tea can help you lose weight and lower your risk of becoming Obese.
  • Zero Calories : Green Tea, when had without milk or sugar, not only tastes great but contains virtually zero calories
  • Green tea can kill bacteria, which improves dental health and May lowers your risk of infection
  • Green Tea may lower your risk of type II Diabetes
  • Heart health : Consumption of Green Tea as a part of a healthy lifestyle may help maintain a healthy heart as it is thought to have a protective effect against cardiovascular diseases

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